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Lauren has traded a GP practice in Ireland for hospitals in sunny Perth. She shares her Aussie adventures so far, from getting settled to working on a ward – and looking ahead to her rural and remote nursing placement.  

Arriving in Australia at the start of May I’ve already thrown myself into the nursing world and loving my time so far in Perth. I moved here for the better weather and more balanced lifestyle, as I found myself working extreme hours just to get by in Ireland.

And I can already say I have noticed a huge difference in the way we are expected to work over here. It's all about having a great shift, leaving work at the door and enjoying your days off - not to mention the better pay rates!

'It's all about having a great shift, leaving work at the door and enjoying your days off - not to mention the better pay rates!'

Trading rain for sunshine: A better work-life balance in Perth 

I was living in Ireland with my parents after studying in England for a short time, and although I loved having all that family time, but I found myself getting stuck in a routine. The GP role I was in was a 9-5 which didn’t help, whereas now I’m picking up agency shifts as and when I feel like. The world's my oyster!

Living the dream: Beach mornings, pilates and new friends

I currently live in Perth on the stunning west coast of Australia. I live in Scarborough by the beach, and I just love it. I appreciate how everyone gets up super early in the mornings, and with the coffee shops being open much earlier here I can start my day before sunrise. I've also joined a reformer Pilates studios which looks over the beach. In the evenings, I’m usually meeting new friends or catching up with old friends from the UK.

Alliance Nursing: Making the move seamless  

Coming from a General Practice role I was a little concerned I wouldn’t be able to get into a hospital setting right away, but Aoife the International Candidate Care Manager was great to get me placed into a private hospital. I then moved quickly into public hospitals. I feel this has developed my career even further as when you work in a GP practice you kind of take a step back and find yourself doing less technical patient care, but being back in a hospital setting has given me my confidence back.

I also really appreciate that within Perth hospitals they have a ‘staff education’ role who are there to assist, and every time I’ve needed them they have been so helpful and shown me exactly what to do. 

Support from the very beginning 

The support I was given by the Alliance Nursing team was more than I could ever have asked for.

When I landed Aoife sent me a message with everything I needed to know, even down to which phone provider to join. Yeshi, the Perth Recruitment Coordinator had set my joining meeting up for the day after I landed to get the ball rolling but stressed that I do not worry about completing the forms right away and to just enjoy Perth for a few days. The whole team just made the moving process so easy; they were so supportive in a time which could have been stressful for me. 

'I am glad I chose to join Alliance Nursing over other agencies as I love how personalised your experience is.'

I am glad I chose to join Alliance Nursing over other agencies as I love how personalised your experience is. With so many questions to ask the team I’ve not once felt like a nuisance to them, everyone is just so friendly. It makes me smile when I phone up and am greeted with ‘Hey Lauren’ before I’ve even spoke - it’s the little things!

A road trip is on the cards with Alliance Rural & Remote

My plans are to enjoy Perth through the winter, get settled and save up, so in the summer I can hire a camper van and go travel the west coast. Having just signed up with Alliance Rural and Remote Health I can’t wait to see what come from this as I see nurses working in some amazing locations on rural placements, It's definitely given me the inspiration to go and do this myself. 

There is never a ‘right time’, put yourself out there

My advice to anyone out there looking to do something similar are to put yourself out there and get on a flight. At 29 I thought I might of ‘missed the age limit’ to be going and travelling, but I have found so many people my age had just moved here and in the same position. When you put yourself out there and really hold strong to who you are and your values you will naturally attract these people in your life, and I have found that here.

I am not a big drinker but as there is so much to do and explore here in Australia my lifestyle has just fit right in. I’ve made more friends than I could have imagined already and have had plenty new experiences like attending yoga classes, reformers, ice baths and hiking groups.

Thinking of making the move? You can explore more about living and working in Australia in our International Nursing section - with tips and helpful advice about everything from visas to qualifications and much more!